Abortion is one of the most controversial issues of modern culture, the debate over the person-hood of the unborn child is one of contrasting views and vindictive words. I will not say softly these words to those who may see the human fetus as not having earned human dignity. ABORTION IS ABSOLUTELY WRONG AND COMPLETELY IMMORAL. There is no other possible logical way to view the issue. You may disagree with the bluntness of my statement, but it is the truth, and should be dwelt upon. I will proceed in this post to back my claim over the total inhumanity of abortion, but please feel free to debate my points by posting questions or comments.
Abortion kills. Its as simple as that. The human fetus, even the human embryo, is a living entity, and the act of abortion puts an end to the life inside the mother. This point CANNOT be debated. You may disagree with me about the person-hood of the fetus, but scientifically, the human fetus is a living creature.
Abortion kills a human being. The human fetus is a HUMAN one. It contains DNA unique to the human species, but even more, unique to itself. By aborting this unborn child, the mother is putting an end to the life of a human being, one with a completely unique set of genes.
Abortion kills an independent human being. The fetus is NOT PART OF THE MOTHER'S BODY. The mother's body consists only of cells that contain her specific chromosomes, with the exception of her sex cells, eggs, not embryos, all of which contain only half of her unique DNA. The fetus has completely separate genes, only half coming from the mother, the other half being the father's. But if its not you DNA, its not your 'body' period.
Abortion is an atrocity against human nature. It does not differ from INFANTICIDE. And any man, woman, or child who condones the murder of the helpless and innocent infant is a monstrous entity, one who's morality is not only compromised, but is absent completely. To look into the face of an infant, full of trust and innocence, and to put an end to the beating heart of that child. And to live in the society of today, where politicians like Hillary Clinton can smile upon abortion and even partial-birth abortion, an atrocity that should make you sick, is nauseating. How can we have fallen into such decay to not be able to recognize when human life begins.
Birth does not define person-hood. Birth is of no significance in the life and development of a child. The infant does not undergo any biological changes, but is merely introduced to a new environment.
LIFE BEGINS AT CONCEPTION. There is no debating this point. Scientists agree that conception, as the first and most significant moment of the development of the human embryo, fetus, and infant, is the moment at which life begins. The DNA of a child is decided at that moment, not at birth. Anyone who continues to defend birth as the moment of life should think about the claims of liberal doctors, who claim that due to the insignificance of birth, infanticide should be a legal form of abortion.
This satanic cry has become reality. Partial-birth abortion is such a sickening act of violence and cruelty that I must warn readers about the graphic nature of the following description of the atrocious act.
"According to nurse Shafer, the baby was alive and moving as the abortionist “delivered the baby’s body and arms - everything but the head. The doctor kept the baby’s head just inside the uterus. The baby’s little fingers were clasping and unclasping, his feet were kicking. Then the doctor stuck the scissors through the back of his head, and the baby’s arms jerked out in a flinch, a startle reaction, like a baby does when he thinks he might fall. The doctor opened up the scissors, stuck a high-powered suction tube into the opening and sucked the baby’s brains out. Now the baby was completely limp.” (from AbortionFacts.com)
Reading this quotation should make you sick. How can we let this happen? How can we sit idle by while infants are mutilated just because we fear being called out? The human race is a failure. No one can claim that humanity has made great strives while atrocities like this are smiled upon! They are blatantly evil and vile things, they don't deserve to exist in all of human thought. We have embodied a dystopian society. And to make things worse, Planned Parenthood sells fetal tissue from abortion. This has gone to far. To deal in the flesh of the dead innocence is a crime that cannot be overlooked. How dare they DEFILE HUMANITY! I WEEP FOR THE DEATH OF THE PURE AND RAGE AGAINST SATAN TO STOP THE EXPLOITATION OF THEIR CORPSES.
We MUST fight this great evil, this bane of all human existence. We CANNOT continue as a species if we allow the MURDER of the purest of us! I hope you will not hang your head in shame of the degradation of our once great society. But instead go out into the world and make a difference. Change the world.
Quod Erat Demonstrandum
If you have experienced an abortion and are suffering from the pain and trauma of it, I am sorry you had to read that, but my deepest condolences go out to you. You can find peace through penance and reconciliation if you regret your abortion. I urge you to seek help.
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